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Jason Hudson
San Luis Obispo, CA

Articles written by Jason Hudson

Go Behind The Scenes Of The Sound Production For Interstellar

Undoubtedly, audio is one of the most important story telling tools in cinema. Improper use or overuse of sound can dramatically affect the impact of the viewing experience. After the recent release of Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, there has been a lot of buzz about the 'mix being muddy'. Many theater goers are reporting sound issues; that the booming sound effects are too loud.

Humanitarian Conflict Beautifully Captured On Kodak Aerochrome Film

Accomplished photographer Richard Mosse has taken an incredibly unique approach to capture both the beauty and tragedy associated with conflict. In his most recent series, Infra, Mosse uses an antiquated film to bring new light to the humanitarian struggle faced by the Congolese people. Currently on display at the Portland Museum of Art as The Enclave, Mosse's newest exhibit features a six screen video instillation in addition to his dramatic Kodak Aerochrome imagery. Capturing the suffering of war between The Congolese National Army and rebel factions in poignant beauty, this exhibit of infrared film leaves an eerie perspective of the overwhelming harshness of war.

Why Polaroids Are Still The Gold Standard For Model Agencies

Our generation has witnessed the death and rebirth of Polaroid Instant Film; yet it is interesting to note that most model agencies have always preferred the format as a staple facet in portfolios. From the model's perspective the idea of a harshly lit and un-editable image is less than ideal. However; standing in the shoes of the photographer or creative director, it is always best to have an idea what you'll really be working with.

Photographer Travels The World By Trading His Photo Services

Without spending a dime, Australian photographer Shantanu Starick has successfully completed 187 trades, traversed five continents and remained on-the-go for the last 29 months. Inspired by the "sharing economy" Starick has made a full fledged living out of travel and photography with a project he calls The Pixel Trade. Starick has photographed hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, weddings and more in exchange for the basic essentials, transportation and anything else that he needs to survive.

What It's Like Being a Pretentious Cinematographer

Our lives as photographers and videographers can be tough, but let's be honest - it's fun to be creative! We get to work with amazing gear and produce compelling visual content for the world to enjoy. However hard we work in our creative fields, I feel it's best to never really take ourselves too seriously. If we do, let's hope that one of our peers will put together a parody response like the one Adam Khamis created above to help check our egos and bring us back down to Earth.

Chilling Hot Air Balloon Jump Filmed on a GoPro

Here's another adventure video from Devin Super Tramp involving people doing things that will make your hands sweat! How about swinging from the sky with a GoPro? Making use of the Hero 4 and its 4K resolution, these daredevils risk it all over the desert as they swing between two hot air balloons.