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Jason Parnell-Brookes

Articles written by Jason Parnell-Brookes

Why One Photograper Teaches Photography for Better Mental Health

Billions of people around the world are self-isolating to slow the spread of Coronavirus. However, it's not just our physical wellbeing at risk, but also our mental health. Stu McKenzie has pioneered a new project to help veterans with PTSD, which could also help those suffering from anxiety and depression during the quarantine.

Self-Isolation Series, Part One: Product Photography

Many countries around the world are now experiencing social distancing and practicing self-isolation, me (in the U.K) included. So I’m pledging to run a series of photography tutorials for those of us affected by these measures.

How to Take Stunning Pet Portraits at Home

Take simple pet portraits at home while you’re self-isolating. All you need is a pet, a window, and some pet treats to grab their attention, then set your camera to aperture priority mode and work on your composition.

Canon to the Rescue for COVID-19 Tests?

Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical) has announced that it is developing a rapid genetic testing system for novel Coronavirus, COVID-19. Working alongside Nagasaki University on the project, developing diagnostic testing kits, it falls under the COVID-19 research program headed by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).

Fujifilm X-E4 Dead in the Water?

The Fujifilm X-E4 (set to replace the older Fujifilm X-E3 this year) seems to have been axed, according to reports on Fujirumors. However, it's not just the X-E4 that's finished before it's begun, the entire X-E line seems to be cast to the wayside as the X-E3, now discontinued, might be the last of its generation.

4 Tips to Make Any Subject Look Good

You can’t polish a turd, but you can do your darndest to make sure all your ducks are in a row, photographically speaking. To prove that you can make anything look good, I'm shooting an old potato. Surprisingly, it doesn’t take a lot to make your images sing, so here’s my top four tips to make any subject look good.

Is the Night Sky About to Be Ruined by SpaceX Satellites?

Some astronomers and observatories are complaining that satellites sent into low earth orbit by private companies to provide global internet and other services will impact night sky observation and ruin astrophotography.

Nikon D6 Delayed Due to Coronavirus

In a statement released today by Nikon, it has been revealed that the COVID-19 Coronavirus is having a knock-on effect on camera production. Due to the virus, Nikon is experiencing delays in receiving parts from a third party, and that has meant a delay to their upcoming flagship DSLR, the D6.

Six Steps to Sharper Selfies

So, you want to photograph yourself but don’t have anyone to stand in to get your focus set? No problem, all you need is a tripod and a coin for sharp selfies, every time.

Here’s Why You Don’t Need a Macro Lens

Macro photography has such a draw for beginner photographers because it opens up a world we can’t see with the naked eye. Most camera stores will tell you that you need a macro lens to do this kind of work, but don’t believe the hype. There are plenty of ways to do macro with the kit you already have.

Five Ways to Put Models At Ease for Better Portraits

Not all of us work with professional models that can turn on the natural-looking poses when the lens is bearing down on them. Whether it’s Auntie Jean or an aspiring model-to-be, some people just don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera, and this often makes for awkward-looking portraits. So, here are five tips you can use on your next photoshoot to put them at ease and take better portrait photographs.

Learn How to Make Your Own Light Table for Close-Up Photos

Using items you probably already have at home, you can make your own light table that’s perfect for close-up photographs, because, let's face it, not all of us have the room or budget for full-size professional light tables.