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Usman Dawood
Batley, West Yorkshire, GB

Articles written by Usman Dawood

The Fujifilm X-T4: The Best Camera I Won't Be Buying (Probably)

Fujifilm has officially announced the X-T4 and to me it looks like a brilliant camera. Fuji has implemented most of the major requests made by many within the community. My initial reaction in London was extremely positive towards the camera. Unfortunately, there are still a few reasons that hold me back from upgrading.

This Is the Best Portrait Lens I've Ever Shot With

A few years ago, I reviewed the Hasselblad H6D 100c, and one of my biggest complaints was the lenses. This is not the case with Hasselblad's X1D system. Every XCD lens I've tested has far outperformed my expectations, and now, I've found the best portrait lens I've ever shot with.

Three Reasons Why I Didn't Switch From Sony to Fujifilm

Over the last few years, many Sony shooters have been requesting certain features that still haven't been delivered. One of the main features that a lot of people seem to want is better video features. Unfortunately, Sony has, for the most part, stuck with the same video features they initially offered back in 2015.

Hands-on Look at the New Fujifilm X100V With Sample Photos

The X100 series of cameras have been my favorite for quite some time now. I first fell in love with this series when I bought the X100T. This camera was with me at all times, and I took so many personally, meaningful images with it. The only reason why I sold it was so that I could buy the X100F. Now, Fujifilm has recently announced its successor, the X100V.

The Nikon Z 6 Might Be the Most Underrated Camera for Video: Full Frame Raw Video

For many of us, a Sony mirrorless camera was the default option if you wanted to shoot high quality full frame video. Sony first offered this feature in the a7R II and I bought into that system too. More recently however, it seems Nikon are taking a shot at offering high quality video features; but is anyone taking notice?

Should Fujifilm Completely Discontinue the X-H1 Series of Cameras?

When the X-H1 was first announced, I wrote an article talking about how it was a disappointing release from Fujifilm. My thoughts about that camera haven't really changed; however, since rumors of the X-T4 started to circulate, I've had a think about the H series and where it sits in the line-up.

Here's Why It's a Great Idea to Invest in Digital Asset Management

When I first started out in photography I didn't have any specific process to manage any of my images and files. This is one of the primary reasons I don't have many of my early images anymore. It's a shame because I was quite proud of some of the images I had produced.

Instagram Fact-Checkers Are Now Hiding Creative or Photoshopped Images

As a company, Facebook has quite a prudish mentality when it comes to art and creative works in general. This is why we have campaigns like "Free The Nipple," because Instagram doesn't really seem to appreciate art. What's worse is Instagram is now targeting images they consider "fake," which includes composites and works of a surreal nature.

Wondershare Recoverit Adds an Important New Update to Help Better Recover Video Files

When it comes to data recovery software, there are plenty of options currently on the market. In my experience it's been super useful to have a recovery software on hand because I have had SD cards fail on me. The issue is that many available options tend not to do a great job at recovering video. Wondershare might have the answer with its latest update.

"Evil Eyes" Sunrise Captured During Solar Eclipse

Historically speaking, solar eclipses have been surrounded by myths, legends, and superstitions. If you're one of those individuals who remains superstitious about sunrises and solar eclipses, then you should probably avoid looking at this image for too long.

Here's Why the iPhone Is the Best Camera for Beginners

There have been plenty of occasions where someone has asked me which camera they should buy up to a certain price point. My first question almost always is to ask them what smartphone they currently have. The reason for this is because smartphone cameras have come such a long way that they’re now viable tools for photography and video.

A Few Pro Tips to Help You Produce Sharper Portraits

When I first started out in photography, one of the things I personally struggled with was producing sharp results consistently. There are a lot of factors that can cause your images to appear blurry or appear to lack detail. Over time, as you develop your experience, you can minimize the number of shots you take that aren't as sharp as one would prefer.