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Ryan Cooper
Toronto, ON, CA

Articles written by Ryan Cooper

Save 25% On Your Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription Plan

Creative Cloud has become a staple of nearly any photographer's workflow. The version of Creative Cloud designed specifically for photographers is a sensational deal in itself, offering access to both Lightroom and Photoshop for only $9.99 per month. Today you have an opportunity to drop a quarter off that price bringing it down to an impressive $7.50 per month. B&H Photo is offering a 25% discount on an Adobe Creative Cloud for Photographers one year subscription. Act immediately to take advantage of a great offer that expires at 11pm PST on December 1st, 2016.

How to Choose Where to Spend Your Money on Photography Education

One of the biggest industries in photography is that of photography education. Photography is a very difficult craft to learn without help, and as a result, almost every aspiring photographer must invest in some sort of education source at some point. Fortunately, this demand has created a massive market of educational content that can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially to new entrants. In this article, we are going to go through the various educational options, including the pros and cons of each.

Photography Education Site Creatr Looks to Add Something New To The Mix

Recently the group behind Papercut Magazine announced that their photo critique website Reveu.me has been transformed and re-launched as a subscription based photography education platform. Backed by a host of highly respected educators Creatr promises to add new voice to an already tightly packed space. On the surface Creatr looks quite promising but the big question will be if the quality of their content is worth considering over the other subscription education services on the internet.

Three Non-Photography Products That Deserve A Spot In Your Photography Bag

Take a peak into any photographer's bag and you will find a tightly crammed mass of odds and ends designed to help during virtually any shoot. Most of these extra pieces of gear are directly photography related, but sometimes we encounter a few non-photography gems that are certainly worth making space for.

New Regulations For Batteries When Flying That Will Annoy Photographers

In preparation for my most recent flight, the airline sent me an update on their new baggage regulations in regards to batteries. Going forward, some airlines will be imposing new rules when it comes to flying with batteries. These new regulations are especially annoying to photographers as we not only tend to often fly with batteries, but we also like to bring along several sets of backup batteries as well.

Five Strategies to Protect Yourself From Losing Camera Gear

Photographers love gear, so we tend to get somewhat upset when gear goes missing. Not only is gear quite expensive, but it often worms its way into our hearts. Our gear often becomes a pride and joy. As a result we want to avoid losing gear as much as humanly possible. Here are some of my favorite strategies for making sure that all my gear comes home with me after every shoot.

Halloween Is an Amazing Time of Year to Get Creative With Photography

Have you ever bemoaned the lack of great subjects to shoot with in your area? Ever cried in exasperation while struggling to come up with concepts? Those complaints all go out the window in mid-October when virtually every city in the world that celebrates Halloween explodes with wonderful photo opportunities.

Meyer Optik Crushes Their Kickstarter Goal For Their 58mm f/1.9 'Wonder Bokeh' Lens

The cult of chasing the most interesting, characterful bokeh is as strong as ever. A trend has begun to take shape that involves feverishly hunting for older, unique lenses to be brought revived with the help of modern optical quality, as an alternative to many mainstream lenses which tend to prioritize optical perfection over distinct character when designing lenses. A month ago Meyer Optik added a new competitor to a quickly growing market by launching a Kickstarter for a 58mm f/1.9 lovingly named the "Wonder Bokeh."

How to Convince Amazing Talent to Model for You

Joe McNally once said: "the easiest way to take better photos is to point your camera in the direction of more interesting subjects." One of the most common challenges photographers face is finding incredible people to work with. There is a misconceived belief out in the world that convincing amazing talent to step in front of your camera is actually really terrifying and hard. Fantastic talent is always looking for the opportunity to create new images to toss onto social media, and thus is always looking for great new photographers to work with.

Should Photographers Be Using Candid?

This week a new social network has really started promoting itself and seems to have amassed a fairly active user base, very quickly. Candid is an elegantly designed micro-blogging tool designed to focus discussion around specific topics rather than users, with the end goal of keeping everyone anonymous. The big question is, will it last or is it another wannabe network to be ignored? And most importantly, as photographers, is this a network that should be on our radar?

Fstoppers Reviews the Lexar Professional Workflow Line

I recently had the opportunity to try out Lexar's modular workflow line of products which is an array of modular components that fit into a multi-bay, hot-swappable hub that connects to your computer via Thunderbolt or USB 3. After spending a few weeks with this interesting product, here is what you need to know. In this review I will be covering the hub itself, along with the SSD, SD Card Reader, and USB Hub modules.

3 Tips for Minimizing the Size of Your Photoshop Working Files Without Compromising Editability

There was a time when file limits were considered near impossible to reach ceilings. Each was designed many years ago for photos made by cameras with single-digit resolution. Times have changed, and unfortunately the formats have not. We now are faced with file size limits that are becoming more and more restrictive as cameras collect bigger and bigger chunks of data with every photo.

Why It Is So Important to Try New Things as a Photographer

I'm a portrait photographer. I think that is pretty obvious by my portfolio being completely full of people photos. The nature of the portraits I shoot varies from time to time, but ultimately I make images of humans almost exclusively. Being specialized is great, and even critical, according to many, in regards to creating a photography career. There really isn't any doubt it in that. However, don't let that specialization bar you from ever trying out other types of photography.

5 Not-So-Easy Upgrades DSLR Makers Could Make That Would Make This Photographer Very Happy

DSLR makers have developed a rather interesting propensity to focus their R&D budgets on creating the fanciest, most marketable sensors possible. A camera, however, isn't just limited to the scope of its sensor. There are so many other upgrades that could be made that have nothing to do with megapixel numbers. Below are a few straight out of my dream list that likely would be pretty difficult to make work.

How To Handle Irrational Internet Hate As A Photographer

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how much random, toxic, hate is spewing around the internet. Many sites have even started getting rid of comment sections because trying to moderate so many putrid posts gets exhausting after a while. Photographers are often the target of completely uncalled for, targeted, hateful notes from some of the web's most vile cretin. Learning how to effectively handle these sorts of attacks is critical to maintaining your sanity and resolve.

5 Easy Upgrades DSLR Makers Need To Make Right Away

Beyond the most obvious upgrades such as more pixels, bigger ISO numbers, and auto focus, has anyone noticed that the general feature set of DSLRs really doesn't change very often? I certainly have! There have been, in my opinion, obvious things missing from DSLRs for years that would make me a very happy camper if added. DSLR makers pull out your notepads!

Three Common SEO Mistakes That Make It Harder for Photography Clients to Find You

Search Engine Optimization is hard. It may be relatively simple, but it is still really hard. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There are always going to be far more people clamoring for the top search rank than there are useful top search ranks to earn. Thus, you must be smarter than your competition. Don't fall prey to some of the most common mistakes. Instead, let your competitors make it so that you can rise and succeed. Here are three mistakes to avoid.

Three Ways to Avoid Drama on the Set of Your Next Photoshoot

A photoshoot is a high stress situation that can often push emotions to their limits, and lead to conflict that can tear a great shoot to pieces. Part of your job, as the photographer, is to captain the shoot in a way to avoid this sort of thing. Everyone has a responsibility to be professional throughout the shoot but it is you who must ensure that they adhere to this.

5 Upgrades You Can Make To Your Photo Gear That Will Make Your Life Better

I can see it in your eyes! Excitement is brewing for some sort of fancy new lens or the latest camera body that breaks all the megapixel records. I know because I do the same thing! Surprisingly, though, in my experience it isn't the latest, fancy, glass that truly improves my photography, rather, I've found that making the right small upgrades tend to have a much more profound impact as they make the act of doing photography so much less of a hassle. Which, in turn, frees more of my focus to attend to the images I'm creating rather than fighting with gear which is refusing to perform.

The Importance Of Knowing The 'Why' And Not Just The 'What' As a Photographer

Photographers can often be lumped into two distinct camps. The first is the "what" group which is represented by people who study their craft and follow tutorials as if they are a scripted set of instructions never caring about anything other than if the technique works or not. The second group is the "why" group who study their craft and follow tutorials while also striving to learn about why what they are learning actually works. The second group has a tremendous advantage over the first as their deeper understanding of technique gifts them with far more versatility than those who simply collect a library of preset recipes with little care as to why those recipes work.