Animator Imagines Instagram on Windows 95

Animator Imagines Instagram on Windows 95

Everything about this short video by Russian designer Misha Petrick fills me with desperate nostalgia for the 90's. Some people will mock Windows 95, but for me it was a coming-of-age operating system. The first computers I built myself ran Windows 95. Windows 95 is how I discovered Weezer. Windows 95 gave me Hover, the greatest built-in OS game until Space Cadet Pinball rolled out with Windows 2000. All that to say, I think that Instagram on Windows 95 would have been amazing.

Everything about this makes me happy. Some will mock the antiquated layouts, pixilated graphics, and goofy popup, but know that those people are fools. Can you imagine what the filters would be like? How the 256 available colors would make artistic masterpieces out of every MS Paint project? We missed out world, we missed out.

This is beautiful, I am crying tears of joy. Excuse me while I go drag my ancient bastardized PC out of my old closet at my mom's house, and spend hours trying to install Divx so I can watch a low resolution rip of Men in Black.  

[Via Gizmodo]

Andrew Strother's picture

Andrew is a professional photographer based in Houston, Texas. Texas is better than all other states including Canada.

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1 Comment

Wow! This melody reminds me childhood :D but the witndows 95 was capable of 24bit color but this graphics are 8bits (256colors). He should use Win 3.x