Sherwin Calaluan's picture

Alpine Glow

Early morning light touches the peak of Mt. Chephren in Banff National Park with a soft pinkish golden glow. It was fun morning adventure in -26 degrees Celsius with the windchill. With this kind of view on your morning, I don't mind the cold temperature. Two vertical images combined in Photoshop to create a vetrorama, to show the details in ice flower in the foreground, flowing water on the mid-range and beautiful morning light in Mt. Chephren on the background.

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Wicked awesome. Love the wide comp, really sweet foreground coupled with that kiss of light on the mountain. Fantastically sharp all around, and the little moon making it in frame is extra special.

Thanks a lot Nick, it was fun morning at -26 degrees Celcius. No clouds on the horizon so i focused more on my foreground. Cheers.