Trending Posts in Wildlife Photography

Which Lens for wildlife? 400 or 600 Prime?

I have finally saved up enough money to purchase my first big prime lens. I am stuck between a Sony 400 f2.8 or the...

Painted Skimmer in flight

Took my camera for a walk in my meadow this afternoon and managed to capture this dragonfly in flight. I think dragon...

Corvus world

I really like crows and all members of the Corvus family, so I photograph them when ever I can. This guy was sitting on...

Pelican in the Fog

An American pelican swimming in Wyoming's Snake River on a foggy morning.

Bald Eagle

While boating on Lake Winnipesaukee we spotted this beautiful eagle.

Aerial turf war

When walking at Greentree Park in Kirkwood Mo. I was startled by screeching above my head. As hawks often do four birds...

Contemplative Goose

The goose was just sitting enjoying the view and thinking of life. Shot at the duck pond on Blackheath, London. Sony...

The Emerald Hummingbird

The emerald hummingbird.

Do Small Sensor Cameras Really Suck?

A recent post by the Phoblograher states, "SMALL SENSOR CAMERAS SUCK; IT’S TIME TO BE REAL HERE." What was this guy...

Shepherds Bucovina Dogs in the wilderness

During a winter hike I found these three beautiful shepherd dog alone in the forest near a log house

"Bad Hair Day"

A great egret having a bad hair day

Love in the tree tops the violet mating of Eagles.

I am lucky to have a resident pair of eagles nesting on a small lake in St. Louis county Missouri. I have been...

"Open Wide"

As the sun warmed the sandy beach, a tern stood lazily in the sand, with its dark eyes slowly scanning the shoreline...

Death in the Meadow

When looking at a praying mantis a word that often comes to mind is evil. This is an insect without mercy that eats its...

City ducks enjoying a night out.

Ducks gliding through golden threads of light on the pond by the Princess of Wales pub on the heath, Blacheath London...

The many moods of Gary Goose.

Who'd have thought geese had so many teeth, and on their tongue too! Sony A7iv + Sony GM 70-200mm f2.8 II + 2.0xTC

Swallowtails and Thistle

The Swallowtails are back at Greentree Park in Kirkwood Mo. I was actually looking for goldfinch with my Canon R5 and...

Turtles in a pond

Earlier this year I bought a kayak with the intention to take it out on the water with my camera, the 200-500mm lens on...

Birds and the bees .... and goats and horses

Selection of recent wildlife photographs. The wild pony and goat are from the New Forest, while the birds and the bees...

Swallowtail on a Marshmallow

A swallowtail butterfly sitting on a marshmallow flower in Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in Lacombe,...