Learn How to Capture Stunning Bird Action Photos Mid-Flight

If you've ever wondered how professional wildlife photographers get that perfect mirror-like reflection in bird photos and what camera settings they use to capture birds in flight without missing the shot, then this walkthrough is for you.

Professional wildlife and landscape photographer Einar Gudmann walks us through the process he made to capture an arctic tern skimming the water on a freshwater pond that is featured in his latest book, Grimsey - The Arctic Wildlife Wonder, all about photography based on the tiny island of Grimsey off the north coast of Iceland, which he co-authored with professional photographer Gyda Henningsdottir.

Gudmann walks us through the basics of choosing his shooting location, as well as what to look for in regards to the ideal weather settings for the best lighting. He also discusses how to compose the scene for the best framing and to make the most of the reflections in the water. He also includes his perfect camera settings to capture the action, with full EXIF info displayed on each photograph.

Gudmann demonstrates his kit and walks through the camera settings required to freeze the action as the birds swoop in. In the video, Gudmann, joined by Gyda, demonstrates his incredible talent for turning what looks essentially like a large puddle into the most beautiful wild and vibrant backdrop for the perfect bird shot, including capturing the terns as they dive in with fish and scoop up a drink in their beaks.

Jason Parnell-Brookes's picture

Jason is an internationally award-winning photographer with more than 10 years of experience. A qualified teacher and Master’s graduate, he has been widely published in both print and online. He won Gold in the Nikon Photo Contest 2018/19 and was named Digital Photographer of the Year in 2014.

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1 Comment

Lovely video in scope and context. It reinforces the notion that great photos generally don’t just “happen” but are made through planning, experience, and execution. Additionally it reminds me of how I wish that I lived in an area with so many opportunities.