Big props to photographer Kevyn Bryant and film maker Xavier Burgin for submitting a videos that covers all the bases. For being one of their first BTS video, these guys did a good job at laying it all out there for us. And gosh darn it, there is a quality to these guys that just makes us want to like them. We haven't seen southern charm like this since the likes of one (green) Lee Morris and one (wet behind the ears) Patrick Hall first took to the BTS camera, way way waaaay back in 2010. Nice work on the editing too Douglas Dillingham and good luck to you all. T minus 3 days and counting to get your contest entries in (that's Dec. 31st 2011).

via [BehindtheScenesContest]
From Kenn:
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Very detailed and great explanation on their process. Well put together as well!
I can't believe how well centred and focused these guys are. Especially considering the devastation their town has been through. Well done guys, I hope you win.
Thanks for the feature guys.
nice video and good teamwork
Wow I'm honored that this made it to the home page. We put in a good few days of solid editing on this one but it was worth it.
Great job guys! I used to live on Kicker right off of 15th and it pains me to see how hard T-town got hit his last year. Glad all is well and the community is picking back up. Heading to NOLA here soon...Roll Tide!
Great video. I hope it wins. Wondering what mounting bracket was used on the stands for the 580's (or 430's couldn't remember).
All really grounded genuinely nice people. Wonderful work. This is a perfect winner to take the contest into main stream media and attention for all.
You think you did a good job?!?..... YOU DID A GREAT!! JOB!!! ..... very nice very nice!!! ...if it was up to me, you guys would win this thing.........
What a great piece of work. The photographers and model have great on-camera personalities and they explained everything so well, both verbally and visually in such a limited time. The concept and execution were excellent and the video was well done. Kudos to all of them and if my vote counted I would vote for this video to win.
Wow! A BTS video that was more then just a music video. Very informative and well done!
Nice images guys ( :
Awesome stuff.
Excellent work and so much back-story information provided. Excellent images!! Good luck to you guys!!!