Recent Landscapes Articles

Creating Interesting Landscape Photos Without Leading Lines

Leading lines are one of the most powerful compositional tools at a landscape photographer's disposal, allowing you to easily capture the viewer's eye and guide it through the image. Nonetheless, they are not the only compositional tool available to you, and it is important to practice other methods as well. This great video follows an experienced landscape photographer as he explores different ways to create compelling photos besides using leading lines.

One Tip That Improved This Photographer's Landscapes

As far as I can tell, we should never stop learning and when it comes to my photography, I am always looking to gather information from others. In this video, experienced landscape photographer, Nigel Danson, takes you through something he learned that benefited his worth from then on.

Essential and Helpful Tools for Photographing Waterfalls

Photographing waterfalls is more tedious than it looks. In this instance, physical aspects of the gear you use heavily impact the success of each shot. Here are some important and helpful tools to have out in the field.

Is This the Best Landscape Photography Camera Money Can Buy?

Fujifilm's GFX line of medium format mirrorless cameras rewrote medium format's role in the industry, taking it from a niche tool used by a few studios and rental houses and making it a viable alternative to full frame bodies, particularly for landscape, wedding, and portrait photographers. If you are curious about the camera for landscape work, check out this great video review that discusses the performance and image quality you can expect from it in practice.

The Importance of Waiting for Good Light in Landscape Photography

Perhaps the greatest challenge and source of frustration in landscape photography is the fact that we have no control over the light. While we can do our best to predict how things will shape up, nature does not always cooperate. When that happens, a bit of patience can be your best friend. This excellent video details why.

How to Take Your Landscape Photography to the Next Level

Even if you are a landscape photographer who has mastered the art of taking and editing photos, knows how to plan and compose a shot, and creates good images on a constant basis, you might reach a point at which you feel stuck with your photography. In this article, I share one way of breaking through this barrier to take your photography to the next level.

Creating Stunning Long Exposure Panoramic Photos

Both long exposures and panoramas are fantastic ways to create eye-catching photos that encourage viewers to stop and really examine every detail in the frame. Combining them takes a bit of careful technique, but the results can be well worth the effort. This great video will show you how to about shooting them and the sort of results you can expect from the process.

7 Helpful Tips for Sharper Landscape Photos

Pretty much every genre of photography seeks sharp images, but in landscape work, sharpness is often of a particular importance. If you would like to take nice, crisp photos, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will give you seven useful tips to help you take sharper landscape photos.

How To Take Stunning Night Photos

Night photography can be technically daunting. Even with modern cameras, it's not easy to capture high-quality night photos. While photographing the stars already requires high ISOs combined with wide apertures, capturing details in the landscape is even more difficult in the dark. In this article, I walk you through my night photography workflow, which combines image averaging with time blending and focus stacking to achieve high-quality results.

A Look at Using ND Filters for Landscape Photography

ND filters are tremendously useful for landscape photographers, giving you far more creative control over your images and the abiilty to make photos that simply would not be possible otherwise. If you are new to landscape photography, check out this neat video that features an experienced photographer showing you some of what you can accomplish with one.

Try This Weird but Simple Technique for Better Photo Compositions

A good composition is a tricky and often elusive thing, particularly since it is not as easily objectively codified as something like the right camera settings for a given scene or situation. As such, any heuristic tricks to go about finding a compelling composition are worth knowing. This excellent video tutorial details one such trick and why it can be really useful.

Grand Prize Winner Withdraws From 'Outdoor Photographer' Competition

Outdoor Photographer awarded the grand prize of their "Great Outdoors 2021" to a composite image that violates the rules of the competition as stated on the official website. This controversy gives rise to an ethical question regarding photography competitions that fail to enforce their own rules.

Why You Should Consider a Telephoto Zoom Lens for Landscape Photography

When you think of landscape photography, you probably think of using a lens with a wider focal length range, such as a 16-35mm. Of course, there is a reason such lenses are so widely used, but they are not the only option. In fact, much longer focal lengths can create equally compelling photos. This excellent video tutorial will show why a telephoto zoom lens can help you create eye-catching landscape photos.

Skills and Secrets of Shooting Stunning Seascapes

Seascape photography is so different from shooting landscapes. Its dynamic nature makes it one of our most exciting and challenging subjects. The distinct difficulties of capturing the ocean require a different set of skills and learning some of the secrets of the sea.

Landscape Photography and Self-Expression

What urges you to travel, hike, and camp out for landscape photography? How do your emotions affect what you shoot and how the output turns out?

How to Edit a Landscape Image in Lightroom

Lightroom is more powerful than ever before, and it is entirely possible to edit a landscape photo from start to finish without having to switch over to Photoshop. If you would like to learn how to do so and pick up some useful tips along the way, check out this great video tutorial that will show you one such edit done entirely within Lightroom.

How to Find New Photo Spots

While browsing through various photo-sharing platforms, you might get the impression that everything has already been photographed. After all, millions of photos get uploaded each day to Instagram alone. But if you take a closer look, you'll see a lot of repetition. Many photos show the same places, the same compositions, and often similar light and editing. Even today, it's possible to discover new photo spots. In this article, I show you my favorite way to do so.

Helpful Tips for Getting Sharp Landscape Photos With a Telephoto Lens

When you think of landscape photography, you probably think of using a wide angle lens, but a telephoto lens can be an equally effective tool. Nonetheless, it comes with its own set of challenges. One such aspect is the increased difficulty in getting sharp shots. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to use a telephoto lens for landscape photography and give you some useful tips for getting sharp photos when doing so.

What Kind of Landscape Photographer Are You?

There are two general philosophies in landscape photography: stay light on your feet and ready to move from scene to scene, or plan ahead, plant that tripod in the ground, and wait for the scene to develop in front of them until it is just right. While both are equally valid approaches, there is something to be said for being willing to adopt either as needed, and this excellent video discusses why.

The Joys of Infrared Landscape Photography

If you have not shot in infrared before, it is a unique and fun form of photography that can breathe new life into even the most overly shot scenes. This neat video will show you some of the stunning, eye-catching images you can create with an infrared-converted camera.

Chasing and Photographing Storms in New Mexico

There are few natural phenomena that are more exciting to witness and photography than storms. However, chasing them can be dangerous, and capturing them can be difficult. In this video, go behind the scenes with Brent Hall as he photographs storms in New Mexico.

Bringing Your Photography to World Class

Take a nice subject, awesome conditions, build up a pleasing composition, and you will get a great photograph. But there is still something important missing for getting it to world class. Therefore, we have to go even one step further.

We Review the MIOPS Flex Camera Trigger

With so many new methods to create images, photography has gone beyond simply just taking a photo. This new device from MIOPS brings the photographer closer to the images they envision by making the process simpler.

How to Shoot and Edit a Powerful Long Exposure Seascape Photo

Few images are more iconic in landscape photography than the long exposure of water. It is about a lot more than simply throwing an ND filter on the front of your lens and going to town, however. This great video follows a photographer as he shoots and edits a long exposure of a seascape and offers a lot of helpful insights into and tips on his creative decisions and process.

This $64 Second-Hand Camera is a Gem

We all know that the best gear isn't essential to creating great photographs, but this camera is really pushing those limits! It's no wonder James Popsys loves it.

How to Plan a Landscape Photoshoot

You can certainly just head out with your camera and create photos as you happen upon interesting scenes or subjects, but when it comes to shooting things like landscapes and cityscapes, planning ahead can really help you get next-level images. This helpful video tutorial features an experienced photographer discussing how he plans a shoot and showing some useful tools to give you a better chance of coming home with the shot you want.

How to Get Incredible Landscape Images on the Coast

After shooting more sunsets than I can count along the Pacific coast, I've experienced many different conditions and learned a plethora of valuable lessons. These are the most important tips I found throughout that journey that will help you the next time you're shooting along the coast.

What is the Best Camera Mode for Landscape Photography?

For more than 30 years, I tried different camera settings for my landscape photography. With the settings I use today, I don’t only feel more flexible, but they allow me to nail each of my photographs technically.

Make Your Landscape Photos Pop With These 5 Easy Tips

The best way to get a good landscape photo is to be at the right place at the right time. Sometimes, though, you can be there and still struggle to get a photo that's different from what's already out there or the weather isn't cooperating, and that's where the magic of editing comes in.

Learn How This Landscape Photo Was Edited

In general, landscape photography is a two-step process, shooting the photo and polishing it through the editing process. As such, your skills at the computer need to be as finely honed as those behind the camera. This excellent video tutorial will show you the process of taking an image with a lot of potential and turning it into a compelling final photo through the power of editing.

What Photos Can You Create With a Kit Lens?

Photo gear is quite expensive, and tricking out your kit can be a serious hit to your bank account. And yet, we often chase that next new piece of gear in the hopes of getting better image quality. And while new equipment can do that, you might be surprised by how much you can accomplish with basic equipment. This great video shows you the fantastic photos you can create using nothing more than a kit lens.

How to Combine Focus Stacking and Exposure Blending for Better Photos

I have already written two articles about focus stacking here. The first article dealt with how I use automatic focus bracketing in the field, and in the second article, I shared my focus stacking workflow in Helicon Focus. To provide you with even more tools, I now show you how I combine focus stacking with exposure blending.

Are You Too Rigid in Your Landscape Photography?

Because we can't control the light or conditions in landscape photography, it is quite important to plan ahead to ensure that the time of day and weather will be right for the photos you want to create. However, as important as that is, it is also crucial that you be willing to stay flexible if an unexpected opportunity arises or the weather is not cooperating. This great video discusses why being overly rigid can be detrimental to your work.

4 Mistakes Photographers Make Editing Landscape Images

Most landscape photographs require at least some degree of post-processing to produce a complete image, and as such, you need to be comfortable with your skills not only behind the camera but at the computer as well. If you are working on improving your landscape image edits, check out this excellent video tutorial that discusses four mistakes photographers make in the post-processing stage and how to fix or avoid them.

The Ugly Truth About Iconic Places in Landscape Photography

There is nothing better than being out in nature, inhaling all the mood out there, deciding on the best possible camera position, and enjoying landscape photography. But what if there are 25 other photographers beside you so that it becomes difficult to move just 20 inches to the left or right without disturbing another photographer?

A Beginner's Guide to Using Polarizing Filters for Better Photos

There are two fundamental lens filters in photography, the ND (neutral density) filters and the polarizing filter. While the ND probably gets a bit more usage, the polarizing filter is quite useful as well. This great video tutorial will show both why and how photographers use polarizing filters to improve their images.

How To Get Stunning Light Each Daytime for Landscape Photography

One of the biggest mistakes in landscape photography is to think that the best light appears just around sunset or sunrise. You could get the best light you have ever seen in your life straight around noon, as well. This is what you have to consider.

3 Must-Know Tips for Capturing Beautiful Seascapes

Over the past six weeks, I've photographed more sunsets than I can count along the coast. As someone who primarily shoots on land, I had a lot to learn about shooting the sea and have put together a few of the most important lessons I came away with for your next seascape location.

The Two Most Important Traits of a Landscape Photographer

This article is about two traits you need as a landscape photographer if you want to take photos that stand out. And I'm not talking about a good eye for composition, love for the outdoors, or an adequate fitness level to reach the photo locations you want to photograph. Those are also important. But there are two key characteristics you need as a foundation.

How to Take Fantastic Landscape Photos Without Even Leaving Your Car

If you watch videos of professional landscape photographers in action, you will probably notice that they often have to hike miles through often unforgiving terrain to get the shot. However, for many of us, such hikes simply are not possible or desirable. If you are in that position, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you some of the shots you can get from your car along with some helpful tips on how to do so.

Three Excellent Lenses for Landscape Photography

Landscape photography allows for a wide range of lenses to be used to realize your creative vision, meaning photographers have a lot of choices available to them. If you are wondering which is right for your work, check out this fantastic video that features an experienced landscape photographer discussing three excellent options that will cover just about all of your needs without breaking bank.

This Simple Trick Leads to Better Landscape Photos

We are used to traveling to the most beautiful places with the aim of getting outstanding photographs. But when we import our images to Lightroom, we have often to accept that our photos are no more than the same old story that was photographed there already by thousands of others before. How can we get photographs that stand out?

Are You Improvising in Your Landscape Photography?

When you are a landscape photographer, planning ahead is one of the most crucial things you can do to ensure good chances of success, but it is not the only way to work. Sometimes, finding a new location and exploring it without a preconceived plan can be a wonderful way to make images. This fantastic video follows an experienced landscape photographer as he does just that and shares some insights.

Helpful Advice for Better Landscape Photographs

Creating a successful landscape image takes a combination of technique, creative vision, planning, and often, just a smidgen of good fortune. If you would like to improve your landscape work, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced photographer offering some helpful advice.

A Reminder That You Don't Need the Latest and Greatest Camera to Make Great Photos

Modern cameras are remarkable pieces of technology, able to do things that we could only dream about just a few years ago, and they only continue to get better. And while they are fantastic tools, they are not inherently necessary to create compelling images. This great video serves as a useful reminder that even entry-level tools can create professional photos.

Is This the Ultimate Landscape Photography Camera?

Fujifilm's GFX line of mirrorless cameras turned the paradigm of medium format on its head by making it far more affordable, so much so that it has become a viable alternative to full frame, particularly for people like portrait, wedding, and landscape photographers. If you are interested in the camera for your work, check out this fantastic video review that discusses one photographer's thoughts on the camera after using it for landscape work for a year.

5 Helpful Tips for Better Landscape Photo Compositions

Landscape photography is challenging in that you get no control over the placement of elements in the frame, only your position relative to them, and as such, creating compelling compositions can be particularly tricky. If that is something you find yourself struggling with, check out this fantastic video that features five tips sure to help you improve your landscape image compositions.