Recent Photoshop Articles

The New Photoshop Update Brings Some Dramatic New Features

Adobe has just announced the roll-out of version 22.0 of Photoshop, an update that brings a range of new features, including neural filters which can manufacture someone’s smile and change a person’s age, all with a handful of sliders.

Skylum Gives Us a Sneak Peek of Sky Reflections in Water

When Skykum gave us sky replacement features in Luminar 4 in 2019, it was a breakthrough that didn't require masks and a lot of work. A whole lot of landscape photographers and real estate photographers loved the feature.

The Difference Between Curves and Levels in Photoshop

Photoshop has a huge array of tools and features, and many of them have some degree of overlap between each other. Two of the most fundamental and powerful tools you have at your disposal in the program are Curves and Levels, and this excellent video tutorial will show you the difference between them and how you can use them for editing your images.

How to Get the Best Fall Colors in Your Phone Photos

Fall is here! The leaves around you have hopefully taken on some great colors, but you might not be getting the draw dropping pictures you want. Fortunately, there’s 5 easy tricks you can try and they all work with your phone.

Is It Time to Ditch the Background Eraser Tool in Photoshop?

When it comes to masking hair, the background eraser tool usually does the job. For images with solid backgrounds, it provides a quick solution; however, getting a clean result with this tool requires more work than you think. Luckily, there is a better way to mask hair in Photoshop CC.

This Is the Difference Between Opacity and Flow in Photoshop

Photoshop is full of a wide range of tools and features, and a fair amount of them have some amount of overlap between their functions and capabilities. Two such tools are the opacity and flow sliders. If you are not quite sure of the difference between the two, this excellent video tutorial will get you up and running in no time.

When Does It Stop Being Photography and Start Becoming Digital Art?

There have never been more creative options available to photographers. Whether it’s in camera, in post-production with software like Photoshop, or at the touch of a button on a smartphone app, choices seem limitless. But when is it no longer actual photography?

How to Blend Photos With Different Shutter Speeds in Photoshop

Often in landscape photography, you will want to blend different exposures in the same frame to balance different shutter speeds due to extreme dynamic range. However, sometimes, you might want to blend different shutter speeds in the same frame to create the right amount of movement in each element. This fantastic video tutorial will show you exactly how to do just that using Photoshop.

A Complete Guide to Editing a Portrait in Capture One and Photoshop

Capture One and Photoshop make for a powerful combination for editing portraits to produce professional results. This fantastic video tutorial gives a complete guide to editing a portrait from start to finish using both applications and a wide variety of creative tricks and techniques.

The Five Photoshop Default Options You Should Change Right Now

Photoshop offers a ton of customization opportunities, letting you configure and alter it to fit your workflow. While the default options are a great starting point, there are five preferences I’d consider must-change for the best experience. Want to know how you can make Photoshop work better for you right away?

After 101 Album Covers, One Woman's Quarantine Photo Project Is Complete

After five months and 101 albums, Mercedes Murray has finally completed her biggest creative project yet. Finding herself homebound in mid-March along with millions of other San Francisco area residents, Murray started out by searching for a way to keep busy and entertained, but her work quickly turned into a valuable creative outlet, offering a method to voice her feelings on both COVID-19 and her frustrations with politics. From Bruce Springsteen to No Doubt, Murray set out to replicate some of music’s most iconic album covers using only what was available in her home.

10 Great Tips and Tricks for Better Editing in Photoshop and Lightroom

Both Lightroom and Photoshop are complicated and nuanced applications with wide ranges of capabilities and features. This excellent video tutorial details 10 helpful tips and tricks for using them that will help you edit more quickly, find new capabilities and ways of doing things, and create better overall images.

Three Lightroom Features That You Probably Don't Know About

If you haven't noticed from my previous articles, I love Lightroom Classic. Lightroom has many powerful features that are easy to access, and I love its digital asset management capabilities. However, some powerful features are hiding in Lightroom that you might not know are there.

Improve Your Work by Understanding Color

When it comes to your images, how often do you think about the colors? Do you know what effects they could create or how to balance them together? Understanding color science can play a bigger role in your images than you thought.

Adobe Demonstrates Powerful New Sky Replacement Feature Coming to Photoshop

One of the most well-known features of the new AI-processing technologies in various post-processing programs is automated sky replacement, which takes a lot of the time and effort out of what is traditionally a rather tedious task. Adobe is the latest to offer their own version of the technology, as demonstrated in this new video.

How to Add Textures and Overlays to an Image Using Photoshop

Beyond technical applications like retouching, Photoshop is a fantastic place to really explore your creativity by pushing your edits further. Using textures and overlays is one way to enhance your edits, and this great video tutorial will show you how it is done.

A Beginner's Guide to Layers in Photoshop

Photoshop is a very complex tool full of a wide variety of powerful features, but perhaps no feature is more crucial to editing images than layers. If you are new to Photoshop, this great video tutorial will show you how layers work in just a few minutes.

5 Ways to Retouch Skin Using Lightroom and Photoshop

Skin retouching is a skill and there are various ways to go about it, with some requiring more time and effort to give more refined results. Here are five techniques broken down, using both Lightroom and Photoshop.

Adding a Vehicle to the Shot in a Different Color

Sometimes, everything doesn't line up and you have to add an object, or in this case, an entire vehicle to the shot that was never there to begin with. How would you add an object in a completely different color to your scene?

Easy Sky Replacement in Photoshop and Luminar: Which Is Easier?

One of the nice options in Luminar is Sky Replacement. It is a very effective way of replacing a boring sky for a more interesting one. I have been using it for my real estate photography. But how much easier is it compared to Photoshop?

How to Retouch a Double Chin Using Photoshop

A double chin is one of the most common cosmetic issues a client is likely to want you to correct, but once you understand how to retouch it, it is not particularly difficult to do. This great video tutorial will show you how to use Photoshop to retouch a double chin.

How to Swap Faces and Expressions in Photoshop

Changing a subject's face or expression from one image to the next isn't as difficult as beginners think it will be. Here's a quick tutorial on exactly how you do it.

The Photoshop Action I Wish I Knew When I Started

My most used Photoshop action is actually pretty simple and by following along, you can record it yourself in just about 30 seconds. If you’re new to Photoshop’s actions, it serves as a great introduction to their functionality, and I think it has a place in every photographer’s set of tools. Want to know what it is?

Learn How This Golden Hour Portrait Was Shot and Edited

Golden hour portraits are the favorite of many photographers who love the combination of soft, flattering, and warm light with a dramatic sky as a backdrop, and they tend to be a favorite of many clients as well. This awesome video tutorial will show you both how to shoot and edit a golden hour portrait.

A Deep Dive Into Photoshop's Adjustment Layers

Photoshop's core adjustment layers are diverse and powerful, but are you using them to their full potential? I'm going to bet that you're not; check out this video to find out why.

How to Remove Anything, Even From a Complex Perspective

Some elements of images are easy to remove with a quick use of the clone stamp. Some, however, swiftly become a nightmare as perspectives and light ruin the effect. Here's how to remove anything from an image, even if it's taken at an angle.

How to Fix Perspective Distortion in 90 Seconds

Getting the perspective of your images to how you saw them can be tricky. There are a few ways you can achieve it, but in this video, you'll learn how to do it in Photoshop in 90 seconds.

How to Customize the Photoshop Toolbar so That It's Perfect for You

If you’re a Photoshop user, you’ve probably noticed that there are a ton of tools in the toolbar that you never use and others that you have to hunt for. This short video explains how to customize that toolbar to trim out unnecessary icons, make space for new ones, and make your workflow much more efficient.

Make Your Own Smartphone Wallpaper in Photoshop CC

Don't get stuck with the standard wallpapers on your smartphone. Make your own in Photoshop CC using these simple steps and use your very own images to stand out from the crowd.

Creating Winning Photos: 3 Steps to Optimize Your Images With Photoshop

There’s more to creating a good photo than just moving the sliders. A huge part of wowing your viewers can come down to just a few settings that many forget. Before you export or save your next image, make sure you check out these options for the best results.

Learn How to Use Focus Stacking for Sharper Images

Landscape photographers often want to maximize their depth of field to get everything from front to back entirely in focus and sharp. If you want maximum sharpness, employing focus stacking can be the key, and this great video will show you how it works.

How to Selectively Expand the Background of Your Photo

Who hasn't had a photo that you wanted to print or post, but it wasn't quite the proportion that you needed? Even if you're not a Photoshop guru, Photoshop's Content-Aware Scale feature can help stretch a photo to fit perfectly without disturbing your subject.

How to Effectively Remove Logos and Branding From Surfaces in Photoshop

Logos and branding on products in photographs can be unnecessary distractions, or depending on how an image is being used, their visibility could possibly be infringing on a brand's copyright. Avoid these situations by learning how to remove them using Photoshop.

5 Advanced Techniques for Making Eyes Sparkle

The eyes in a portrait often make or break the whole image, so when you're retouching them, it's worth going the extra mile. Here are some advanced techniques for making sure the eyes in your images pop.

A Complete Astrophotography Workshop, for Free

There are a lot of good tutorial resources out there, some of them free, but for the most part if you want a high quality video tutorial, you'll need to pay. Well, this is a rare exception.