Simple Photo Hacks Using Cardboard

There are tonnes of tips and hacks you can use to get new and creative shots for your portfolio. How many tips are you aware of where you are using simple objects most people probably have just lying around? If you are like me and shop online, you probably have a few cardboard boxes lying around right now which could be perfect for some photo hacks for creative work.

COOPH shows off eight simple do-it-yourself photo hacks simply using cardboard for some unique and creative shots. Not all the hacks shown in the video are meant for DSLR cameras and a couple appy to your smartphones too. Each hack doesn’t require a full cardboard box either, some just need a small piece of card. In fact some of these ideas you don’t even need cardboard, like the bokeh lens hack which I have seen several times. I like the first tip of using a cardboard box with a cut-out stencil in long exposure for some added effects. Personally, I am not too fond of the toilet paper roll in place of an extension tube, I would be worried about things flying into the camera so be careful. What is your favorite hack you have used in your work? Post your answers in the comments below along with examples!

Alex Ventura's picture

Staff writer Alex Ventura is a professional photographer based out of the Houston area that specializes in automotive and glamour with the occasional adventures into other genres. He regularly covers automotive related events for Houston Streets & Spekture with some publications in the United States.

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1 Comment

So cool! Thanks for sharing.