Pinhole Panorama

Trying something different. Three shots. EOS R5 w/EF-RF adapter;11mm and 18mm extension tubes; and 0.255mm pinhole body...

The Christmas Tree

I did not think much of this image when I first reviewed it, but I did a few minor edits and posted it anyway... For...

late fall in Utah

I made this picture in the mountains of southern Utah. I was walking up this dry creek bed exploring the canyon when I...

Multnomah in the Fog

In between family gatherings for the holiday, I was able to sneak out to Multnomah Falls on what was a rainy day in the...

Winter Wonderland

This is a shot I took last night from our backyard. I really love the mix of daylight and city lights.

Niagara Falls

A photo I took of Horseshoe Falls on a recent visit.

A Graña

Enjoying the rivers when it rains is one of my favorite things about photography! Exploring new places despite getting...

Hoar frost on a meadow

Nature can change a drab city park into something magical. This series of images were taken one cold foggy morning that...

Under the Weather

Vista House at Crown Point in the Columbia River Gorge. I was locations scouting for something unrelated, but I thought...


One of the snapshots from my last outing to photograph waterfalls. A small excursion that counted on seeing plenty of...

By the Lake

The photo was taken in Ramsau, Berchtesgaden, Germany. Every morning, several photographers gathered on the shore of...

Dry Falls

Dry Falls flows on the Cullasaja River through the Nantahala National Forest. It is part of a series of waterfalls on...

Wells Falls

I have seen images of this waterfall for years. I finally was able to get out and photograph it. I love the old mill...

The Tree

After a long wait, the sun calmed down and shone for a few minutes. The photo was taken in golden hour in Saxon...


sunrise through the haze

Dolomites - the other planet

Two weeks ago I visited the Dolomite Alps. I am enchanted by the beauty and specific landscape, which at the time of my...

Sunset in the White Sands

I stayed until sunset at White Sands National Park near Alamogordo NM, and I witnessed something beautiful! Photos don'...

Fiery burn

Located somewhere along the Great Ocean Road Coastline, Victoria, Australia. The forecast didn't look promising and was...


The ominous peaks of Tombstone Territorial Park looming above the low hanging clouds at Divide lake. After a few nights...

Small Waterfall

Under Lomnický Štít, High Tatras, Slovakia Nikon D7200, Tokina 11-16 DX II Pro