Photographer Uses a Tiny Caravan as a Mobile Dark Room to Produce Stunning Images

In this video produced by The Guardian, Australian Photographer Adrian Cook shows a reporter how he utilizes a mobile darkroom to produce striking images using the Collodion Wet Plate Process. It’s a short video but it has a wonderful tempo to it, mimicking the excitement one might feel when creating an image using this technique. It starts off slow and thoughtful, but the music builds towards an exciting crescendo while the plate is sensitized and exposed, then settles again as the plate is bathed, magically revealing the beautifully toned scene superimposed on the aluminum sheet.

In the age of disposable digital, run and gun, spray and pray, whatever you want to call it, older more methodical techniques are making a resurgence. There’s a lot to be said for slowing down and taking a meditative approach to the craft, to any craft. But I think as photographers, with the Instagram grind, the side hustle, and prevalence of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) in our community, we are perhaps more guilty than others of forgetting to slow down.

Some photographers are basing at least part of their business on the slower and, some might say, a more authentic process of producing images the old-fashioned way. Cook is one of those people, and it’s both refreshing and comforting to see that there are people out there willing to spend the extra few bucks to get something that little bit different. Not only do his clients get a unique image but they also get to see the process first hand, which creates another distinct selling point for his business.

Much is made these days of the client experience and of how important it is to give something different, make the client feel special. I can only imagine what goes through a person’s mind as they watch the alchemist manipulate the elements to not only produce a physical memory that a client can hold in their hands, but to also develop a unique memory in the person’s mind.

Images used with permission.

[via The Guardian]

Mike O'Leary's picture

Mike is a landscape and commercial photographer from, Co. Kerry, Ireland. In his photographic work, Mike tries to avoid conveying his sense of existential dread, while at the same time writing about his sense of existential dread. The last time he was in New York he was mugged, and he insists on telling that to every person he meets.

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very cool. but the obvious question, why didn't he park closer ?

hahahaha! Adds drama and excitement to the video!

the area he has his camera set up in isn't reachable by road it's a harbourside park on a steep hill face...and, like most capital cities, finding a park for a car & caravan would have been difficult enough where he was anyway :)

he is in good shape because he was not panting when he got back to the camper.

Classic process is New School in the age of digital. Such a great process and makes for beautiful imagery. Matching the subject and the process can make magic. I love seeing someone keeping it alive. Platinum printing is another one you don't see enough of. Thanks Adrian Cook for making cool stuff.