Make Your Own DIY Macro Light, Then Have Some Fun at Home

If you're stuck in a rut or just stuck inside on a rainy day, coming up with new ways to look at ordinary household objects is one way to expand your photographic mind.

Coming from the Cooperative of Photography, this video takes a look at how you can shoot everyday objects in a new light, literally. The first part of the video describes using a Pringles can (yes, the kind that holds the tasty potato chips) to create a DIY macro light with a bit of diffusion. It’s so brilliant an idea that’s easy (and cheap) to accomplish. Of course you’ll need a speedlight of some sort as well (they’re using a Nikon SB-5000 in the video) and to go with that macro light, you’ll need a macro lens as well. If you have those things, and some stuff to shoot, you should be good to go. A Pringles can sure beats the price of a dedicated macro ring light.

The photographers in the video do the requisite bubbles and sparkling water photos that you’d expect, but there’s some unexpected results with items such as a jar of toothpicks, soapy foam, and even the inside of a freezer that they manage to turn into something akin to Superman’s fortress of solitude when viewed through a macro lens.

There are some more fun ideas in the video, but it would spoil the fun by revealing all of the secrets here. You can view the video above.

What are some rainy-day photography projects you’ve tried around the house? Share your ideas in the comments below.

Wasim Ahmad's picture

Wasim Ahmad is an assistant teaching professor teaching journalism at Quinnipiac University. He's worked at newspapers in Minnesota, Florida and upstate New York, and has previously taught multimedia journalism at Stony Brook University and Syracuse University. He's also worked as a technical specialist at Canon USA for Still/Cinema EOS cameras.

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1 Comment

Innovative indeed! A great way to turn around an otherwise gloomy day! Thank you👍