Elia Locardi Postpones His Travels, Tours, and Workshops Due to COVID-19 for All the Right Reasons

Elia Locardi Postpones His Travels, Tours, and Workshops Due to COVID-19 for All the Right Reasons

Renowned travel photographer, Elia Locardi, recently announced cancellation of all his tours and workshops until April 2020 for all the right reasons. 

Through a post on his website, Elia Locardi explained why he has decided to postpone all his tours, workshops, and all travels in general from February to April 2020 due to the risks that traveling presents at the height of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. 

On his post entitled "Why I’ve cancelled over 30,000 miles of travel because of Coronavirus," Elia explains the repercussions of all these events that may endanger not just himself, not just his family, but also everyone attending and everyone who comes into contact with anyone with the virus. 

He also mentioned of course his fears of contracting the virus and eventually infect his wife and 6-month old daughter because of the high chances of exposure to it from air travel, land travel and the actual crowds at these events. Moreover, he mentions that if things continue to trend for the worse, he wouldn't hesitate to push things back even further for the safety of his team, all the participants, and all others with whom they may be in contact. 

This pandemic is taking its toll on many industries, not sparing the photography industry. However, prevention on our part is also part of the general solution. Like Locardi, our compliance to all the preventive measures matter greatly to controlling the further spread of this pandemic. 

Nicco Valenzuela's picture

Nicco Valenzuela is a photographer from Quezon City, Philippines. Nicco shoots skyscrapers and cityscapes professionally as an architectural photographer and Landscape and travel photographs as a hobby.

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What would be the wrong reasons? Not trying to be a smarty pants. I’m genuinely curious.

I'm guessing running away with the deposits. I don't know LOL

Ghosting paying customers probably.

Maybe unfounded hysteria? He had real reasons, and real good reasons, but if he just cited "coronavirus fears" or something generic, it wouldn't have been the same.

very good move ...

Next photographing the world should just be a straight post processing video. Go full composting. I found the last video was sorta a rehash of the previous videos. Make it an advanced video for the people that already are already somewhat advanced photoshop users. He could do that from home. Photoshop Patrick and his boots on some desert landscape.