Philip Adcock's picture

What's Behind a Photograph

What's behind a photograph? Behind a photograph is years of learning the craft. Years of perfecting a style. Years of learning how to enhance photos.
But it doesn't stop there.
Behind a photograph are hours upon hours, that add up to days, spent watching or reading tutorials on different photographing and enhancement techniques, plus the additional time it takes for application.
But it doesn't stop there.
Behind a photograph is the equipment that is used. Learning how to use a camera's manual function, rather than using auto. Buying new lenses to take different types of photos to fit the photographer's needs. Buying lighting so that you can light your subjects correctly. And with that comes even more years of learning. What does that add up to? Literally thousands of dollars spent on equipment over the years.
Please don't ever think that just anyone can pick up a camera and start producing quality work. It takes time, dedication, experience, and quite a bit of money.
It baffles me to no end when people come to me for my services and either lead or end with, "but I don't have a lot of money." I wish I could've said that phrase to the cashier as I was paying for all of my equipment.
Support people's passion and love for this art.

Canon 5D
50mm · f/1.8 · 1/160s · ISO 100
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