Brendan Miranda's picture

Lightning in Cibola, AZ

Standing in the Middle of a Desert Riverbed in Southwestern Arizona at 11:59pm on December 31st with a Metal Tripod in the Middle of a Swiftly Moving Thunderstorm is NO JOKE.

Captured this during a family camping trip to Cibola, AZ to celebrate New Years. Saw the lightning striking off in the distance so I set my camera up and pointed it towards the direction of the lightning

Took me about 5 Shots to get the Exposure right, and another 15 minutes waiting for lighting to light the scene so I could adust my focus. (You can see in this shot that I still hadn't nailed it down completely)

Once I got that I just put my camera in Bulb Mode and held the button down until Lightning flashed.

Took about 40 shots and this was 1 of 3 of the good shots that I got that night.

Happy New Year!

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