Noel Edling's picture


This all started with the idea parallel worlds, how do you show what you think? Mirror, of course, a mirror is what I need.

What's next, someone staring into it? Perhaps, let's try it out. What should be in the mirror, a twisted reflection, another world? Another hour of the day? Dreamland?

Why not space? Cool, Let's do it!

The star shot is from two months earlier just outside the house this is shot in. Flourescent strip lights hanging on the mirror frame lighted the model and created the shadows I wanted. Next was handheld flourescent light strips to get a slight light coming from "inside" the mirror/space to hit the frame.

I lack a lot of equipment I'd love to have, but that shouldn't stop me from creating what I have in mind, and it hasn't yet.

Nikon D800e
50mm · f/4.5 · 1/40 · ISO 250
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