Jonathan Fransson's picture

Old fasioned 1

Old fasioned is my favourite drink, and the best I've ever had is at a bar in Mallorca (Brassclub). I'm so happy I got the chance to capture when the magic is happening. In the picture you see bartender Angel making art and science of the Old fasioned - both the thinking and the doing. Not only he experiments with different kind of smoke, he also mixes his own liquor.

The light is all natural and you see the golden hour finding itself through a small window close to the ceiling, pointing downwards from the top left and lifting up the smoke.

Camera is Nikon D750 equipped with a Nikon 50/1.4 lens. Settings: ISO 200, f/1.6 and 1/400sec

50mm · f/1.6 · 1/400s · ISO 200
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