Pete Coco's picture


Paul is a jazz drummer and music educator on Long Island.

This shot is a composite of two images. Paul asked for an "action shot" of him playing the drums, which I generally don't do for my musician portrait work as I like to focus more on the subject than their medium. But I was pleased with how this turned out in the end.

I purposely blurred his hands, but to give it a bit more motion I added a second layer of a similar image where his hands were in slightly different places to enhance the look. The rest of the second image was photoshopped out so just the hands and arms are a double exposure.

Canon 5diii and 50mm 1.4
1/40 sec, f/11, ISO 200
Edited in Affinity Photo

Canon 5D Mark III
50mm · f/11.0 · 1/40s · ISO 200
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