TANAY DAS's picture

"Sands Of Time"

Nubra, the place that has few of the most amazing elements, the white sand dunes, snow capped peaks and clear skies. Standing here in the middle of the night with the mercury dipping till -30 is definitely the best thing that I could feel. Butt what you see here in the frame is something I really had to work hard upon to achieve the results. Unfortunately the place is way too polluted considering the ecosystem it is in. The amount of plastic waste that we came across in the dunes is concerning and I never thought that a place so beautiful can be dirtied by plastic waste. We might lose out on the dunes few years from now if the pollution continues at this pace.
Coming back to the frame it is Tracked Stacked & Blended with foreground pano. Milkyway slightly adjusted to fit into the composition

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