Robert Henderson's picture

Eye Roller

I was certain this Lilac Breasted Roller was going to take off and fly in the opposite direction. Wrong! The Roller unexpectedly came straight at the camera. The slightly larger size indicates it was probably a male.

As beautiful as Rollers appear when perched, it's when in flight that their truly dazzling colors are fully visible. They are famous for their swooping and rolling flight patterns, and extremely rapid turns.

I took the picture with a Canon EOS R6 with an EF200-400mm f/4L IS 1.4X lens. The exposure settings were 1/1250 sec, f/6.3, ISO 250, 200 mm, hand-held. Image taken 11 November 2022.

Canon R6
200mm · f/6.3 · 1/1250s · ISO 250
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