Robert Henderson's picture

Böhm's Bee Eater 2

We visited Nyerere National Park in Tanzania during a period of heavy rains in November, 2023. The birds took as much advantage as possible of the breaks between the squalls. The lighting was subdued and diffuse, and excellent for photographing the wide range of colorful birds. The brightly colored bee eaters stood out even more against the muted colors of the wet forest.

Böhm's Bee Eater is one of my favorites. This small bee eater has a vibrant green back with an unmistakable golden brown hood. Even a little bit of sun was enough to turn the brown hood into a vibrant gold.

I took the image with a Canon EOS R6 with a Canon 200-400 F4L IS USM 1.4 EXT lens, f6.3, ISO 3200, 1/1600 sec, 533 mm, handheld.

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