Joe Morgante's picture

Rochester, NY

Canon REBEL T3
18mm · f/6.7 · 4s · ISO 200
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Very nice shot Joe!
Good composition & framing.
Good handling of the highlights, proper exposure.

What would I "change" ?

I would use the adaptive wide-angle ( or the upright correction options in Adobe Camera RAW ) filter to correct the geometric distortion ( barely there, just noticeable on some of the buildings ).

I would clone out the bright spots in the water on the edges ( left side and bottom right ) of the frame, clone out that single rock on the bottom right.

And perform some better noise reduction on the sky.

These little changes could make this a 5* photo ;-)


I will take your advice and make these change! Love the feedback!

You're welcome!
I too love giving & receiving feedback Joe!

Sometimes, even the most experienced photographers make mistakes, some of them are so small, a tiny detail, they can easily go unnoticed.
Sometimes we can see it ourselves weeks or even months later when checking our own portfolio, or we never notice them until someone does and mentions it :D

Either way, helping & caring is what the photographic community should be for ;)

Completely agree. Always up of feedback and tips!