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Tim Behuniak
Salt Lake City, UT

Articles written by Tim Behuniak

Jeremiah Watt: Not Your Average Adventure Photographer

In a world full of over-sensitized, manicured imagery, this photographer’s work stands out. His portfolio is beautifully raw and gritty. There’s no posing or redoes. No fake moments. No reading between the lines. What you see is what you get. And what you get is very real.

Nikki Smith and a Life Dedicated to Adventure Photography

Nikki Smith first picked up a camera when she was five years old. The next summer, one of her images won her a blue ribbon at the Utah State Fair. Fast forward to today, and you’ll find her photographs throughout countless outdoor or climbing magazines, guidebooks, advertisements, and company catalogs.

Corey Rich and the Stories Behind the Images

World-renowned photographer and storyteller Corey Rich has led a life filled with unforgettable memories. From watching and recording history take place while hanging on the side of Yosemite’s El Capitan, to sleeping in a snow cave with climbing’s most accomplished athletes, there is not much he hasn’t seen or done.

The Art of Photography, Climbing, and Risk Taking with Ted Hesser

It’s 2010, and a young Ted Hesser is in Nepal, rappelling into a cave from a mega-sketchy anchor: Two pieces of two-foot rebar hammered in the mud. He’s joined an expedition team, supported by National Geographic and The North Face, and it just so happens to be Cory Richards’ first-ever photo assignment for arguably the most well-known publication in the world.

Steven Holleran Uses New Canon C700 Full Frame Camera to Film New Movie

Steven Holleran has been interviewed for the Fstoppers before … twice, actually. But, with good reason: His approach to cinematography and his work behind the lens is constantly pushing the boundaries of creative, thoughtful filmmaking. Read more to learn of Holleran’s most recent accomplishment.

Indoor Climbing Photography Tips

Coming at you from EpicTV Climbing Daily, here is a great video with loads of indoor climbing photography tips.

Three Concert Photography Tips

Have you always wanted to photograph live concerts, but are anxious about how to start? Were you recently hired for your first concert photography gig, but don't still looking for more ideas on how to capture great moments of the show? Well look no further, and keep reading.

Are You a Dreamer or a Doer?

Most photographers dream of being recognized on a large scale for their work. But for Russell Ord, an Australian-based, internationally awarded photographer, action on dreams means the creation of a new reality.

Instagram: The Death of Original Perception and Photographs

I recently read an insightful Instagram post, made by Outside magazine. In this post, creative director Emma Sheffer spoke of a loss of originality and the current saturation of homogeneity in Instagram feeds. With her comments, I couldn't agree more.

Lee Cohen: Ski Photography Master

Lee Cohen is currently one of the best ski photographers, and his images just might be some of the most iconic of all time. Watch this video to get a glimpse of his daily ski photography routine and to hear of his motivations.

How to Focus on the Stars in Astrophotography

Do you struggle to get proper focus when photographing the stars at night? Has nothing you tried worked for you? Then this video will help with your astrophotography aspirations.