Mike Kelley Photography Tutorials

About Mike Kelley

Michael Kelley (mpkelley.com) is a Los Angeles-based architectural and fine art photographer with a background in digital art and sculpture. Using his backgrounds in the arts, he creates images that are surreal and otherworldly, yet lifelike and believable. A frequent traveler, Michael's personal work focuses on the built environment of unique

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The Roadmap to Success in Architectural Photography: CreativeLive With Mike Kelley

If you've ever been interested in the field of architectural photography, now is your chance to learn about the ins-and-outs of getting clients, bidding on jobs, building a reputation and learning some post-processing tricks for FREE. I'll be speaking on Creative Live today at 1:15pm Pacific Standard Time, and will be going into detail on how I've built my business from the ground up in just a few short years.

Photographer Mark Gee Captures An Absolutely Beautiful Real-Time Moonrise At 1300mm

Now here's something I've never seen before. Photographer Mark Gee shot this footage of the moon rising in real time at Mt Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand. The video, shot with a Canon 1d Mark IV, 500mm lens and 2x teleconverter from over 2km away used the extremely long focal length to create an incredibly surreal look, which silhoutted

Watch As Photographer And Digital Artist Erik Johansson Creates A Gorgeous And Surreal Landscape Scene

We've featured Erik Johansson's Ted Talk before, as he is a digital artist and photographer who is on the cutting edge of his genre. Using clever pre-visualization and a lot of Photoshop, Erik is able to create some brain-melting pieces. In this BTS video, he'll show you how he created one of his newest pieces, titled Cut & Fold. Be sure to check out Erik's Website if you haven't before, it's well worth a look for any aspiring creative.

Reverse-Engineering The Work of a Master: Creating A Portrait In The Style Of Dan Winters

Phlearn.com just released this behind-the-scenes video which shows how to light, shoot, and process a shot in the style of Dan Winters. By reverse-engineering the light and color that Winters uses (and using a little Photoshop magic), you'll be able to replicate one of his most well-known shots of actor Tom Hanks. I don't know about everyone else, but whenever I look through a magazine, I guess at the lighting setups

Behind The Scenes With Zak Noyle: What It Takes To Create Amazing Surf Images

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[News] Boston Pays $170k To Settle Video Incident

Simon Glik, a resident of Boston, MA, was recording an arrest of another man in 2007 via his camera. It didn't take long before a police officer noticed this and placed Glik under arrest. The case has finally been settled, and Glik has been awarded $170,000 in compensation.

[Funny] The Battle at F-Stop Ridge, Part 2

Everyone remembers the original Battle at F-Stop Ridge, the live-action camera battle that had camera enthusiasts everywhere laughing. The creators of the video, The Camera Store, in Calgary, AB, created a sequel and I'm happy to say that it's just as awesome as the original. Check out the full post to see it.
Airbus Puts Five Enormous A350 Passenger Jets In Formation For Epic Photoshoot

In what surely must be one of the highest budget-to-film-length ratios in history, Airbus put five of its brand-new 300 million dollar A350 XWB planes together for a photoshoot. While most of the clips last only a few seconds, the amount of planning and preparation to pull something like this off is just staggering. With two chase planes, five hero planes, and the stakes as high as ever, watch how Airbus plans and pulls off this truly epic feat of filming and aviation.

Announcing The Winner And Runners-Up To The Fstoppers Portrait POTD Contest!

After looking at all of the great submissions for our April POTD contest, it took a few weeks to narrow them all down and come up with commentary for what were some outstanding photos. Like I said in the original post, it was truly humbling to have people from all over the world send us their images to view and judge against others. It was great to see images from all over the world of various cultures and places, and I'm happy to announce that we've finally settled on our top portraits and the winner of the $100.

Fstoppers Reviews The Rokinon 35mm F/1.4 Aspherical Lens: A Fantastic Value For The Money

Rokinon recently released a new offering in the 35mm lens range, and I was super excited to get my hands on it for a number of reasons. The great price, wide aperture, and popular focal length of 35mm makes for a great combo, but never having used a Rokinon product before I wasn't quite sure what to expect. After an extensive review covering nearly two months (thank you Rokinon, for lending it to me for that long!)

Behind The Scenes: Creating A 1930s-Themed  Fashion Shoot In Detroit

Detroit-based fashion photographer Paul Manoian recently released this informative (and cold!) BTS video of him shooting models using vintage automobiles, clothing, and styling. Paul touches on what he does to keep a shoot running smoothly, especially in below-freezing weather: keeping the crew and models fed and happy, moving quickly between locations, and having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish. The final images are pretty incredible, if I say so myself. Goes to show what you can accomplish with a dedicated team and a clear end goal in mind.

Insert Here: Sensual and Artistic Portraits of Sex Toys [NSFW]

Sam Kaplan, a New York-based product and still life photographer, was inspired to create a series of photographs of an object that is often enjoyed in the bedroom rather than on a gallery wall. Sam decided to change all of that, and his series 'Insert Here' takes the taboo and transforms it into an exploration of line, form, and color: Dildart, if you will. It goes without saying that you might want to be careful where you open this post.

Pentax Vs. Afghanistan: One US Soldier Puts His Camera's Weather Sealing To The Test

Alex Jansen, who is currently on a deployment in Afghanistan, recently created this video showing off the weather and dust sealing capabilities of his Pentax K-5 and K-7 cameras. I know that even though my Canon 1D claims to be 'weather and dust resistant' it would be a cold day in hell before I ever voluntarily did something like this to my camera (and lenses!). Alex is clearly confident