Mike Kelley Photography Tutorials

About Mike Kelley

Michael Kelley (mpkelley.com) is a Los Angeles-based architectural and fine art photographer with a background in digital art and sculpture. Using his backgrounds in the arts, he creates images that are surreal and otherworldly, yet lifelike and believable. A frequent traveler, Michael's personal work focuses on the built environment of unique

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Shooting Architecture on Location With Mike Butler in Bogota, Colombia

We've featured architectural photographer Mike Butler before, when he shot the Intercontinental Hotel in Miami, FL. This time, Mike heads to Bogota, Colombia, to shoot the Virgilio Barco Library using a slew of hot lights and assistants. If you've ever wondered why it takes 8 hours to create a single architectural image, this BTS will show you exactly why.

[Video] An Almost-Vintage Walk Down Memory Lane For The 80s Kids

Antonio Vicentini recently created this 8-bit gallery of cameras spanning pretty much everything from antique large format cameras through modern DSLRs. It's a cute, semi-retro, nostalgia-inducing piece for anyone who grew up in the 80s or early 90s. What I find most interesting is how many cameras I was able to recognize; though I'm not sure if that means I'm an uber-dork who has spent far too much time in front of old game consoles and camera websites, or I've just got a killer memory. How many cameras do you recognize?

[Video] Stunning Nikon D4 Release Video

Check out this beautifully shot video made by Corey Rich of Lake Tahoe, CA. The video shows off not only the incredible capabilities of the Nikon D4 (be sure to watch it in HD and full screen), but also offers inspiring footage of three athletes in action: Alex Honnold, a free-solo climber, Dane Jackson, kayaker, and Rebecca Rusch, an ultra-endurance athlete. The final product combines both time lapse footage and video footage, which according to Corey was recorded directly to CF, and all of the interview audio came directly off the camera. Now that I mention it, you might want to grab your headphones while you watch this video.
A Beautiful Look Into The Rarely-Seen World Of Aviation Cinematography

Wolfe Air is a company that specializes in creating air to air footage for airlines, big-budget movie productions, the military, and private commercial clients, and they recently released their updated reel, which is absolutely mindblowing. Not many people think about what might go into these shots, so as the Fstoppers designated aviation photography dork, I've decided to write up a reader's digest version of how they're made.

Fstoppers Announces Another Picture Of The Day Contest! Win $100 For Your POTD

Owing to the success of our April POTD Contest, where we received over 1000 awesome submissions from readers all over the world, we are happy to now announce the contest for the month of May. In order to have a shot at a gift certificate worth $100 to B&H Photo & Video, be sure to check out the full post for details about how to submit and what to submit.

Fstoppers Reviews: SLR Lounge's 'Mastering HDR Photography' Workshop Will Change Your Photography In Ways You Never Imagined

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Chasing Obama: A Day In The Life Of A Reuters Photographer On The Campaign Trail

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FilmRiot Shows You How to Light Moving Subjects in Multiple Spaces While Filming

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[Video] Wingsuit Flying: The Reason That GoPros Were Created

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[Wildlife] Amazing, Intimate Shots of Lions In Their Natural Habitat

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BTS: The Anatomy Of A Luxury Hotel Penthouse Photograph

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