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Your Best Panoramic Image

Submit your best panoramic image for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 01 Oct 19 02:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.88 - "Excellent" 

A special morning in the Dolomites. I made this pano as a time blend. Combining different stages of the sunrise inside this image.
I add another info as requested: what started out as a single shot got into a panorama. After the sun had risen beyond the peaks I moved my tripod a bit over to the right (about 2 meters) and kept shooting from there. When I noticed the sun rays on the left side crawl into The Valley i instantly knew I had to combine this into a time blended panorama.
So ultimately this features three steps in time: the earliest moment when the sunstar was available, a moment later when the ground in front of me got lit up and revealed the strong leading line and as described the last moment in this time frame when the sun gave interest to The Valley on the left (which only makes sense and Perfect balance for me with that light).

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Great photo. Approximately how many blends over what length of time have you combined?

Thanks so much, Cliff. It’s three blendings in time (5-10 minutes apart in total, I think), actually. The earliest with the sunstar, then with the sun higher lighting up the foreground and even later the light rays to the left. Which was taken with a slightly different angle eventually leading to a panorama.