Critique the Community

Photos of Joy

Upload Your Best Photo of "Joy"
  • Submission Deadline: Mon, 30 Mar 20 02:15:00 +0000

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1.29 - "Snap Shot" 

Message in the shadow...I believe its a strong image of what humanity has become, an oblivious mish mash of random attention and not looking at the real importance in their surroundings

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1 Comment

Whereas this photo may be a comment on current society and perhaps rightly so, it is the antithesis of the contest which briefly says, "...To help us reflect on the good times and the positive nature of humanity...", "...upload your best images that reflects the emotion of "joy"..." Your photo certainly is not an example of "joy". And I would find it hard to believe that you find this subject matter an example of "joy". As for the quality of the photo severe cropping is needed to bring the story to us and emphasize the point you are trying make rather than seeing it from a distance as the photograph was taken.