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RGB Color

Submit Your Best "RGB Lit" Images
  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 13 Nov 20 06:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.75 - "Needs Work" 

we were Enroute to Hawaii and I was just off from work when I discovered 2 vessels crossing at the end of the horizon. I rushed to the opportunity because the time was so little and I'm really happy how the image turned out to be. hope you guys like it!!

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Hey Anup - only a sailor knows what these photos are about...I miss sailing on these big ships! Nice SHOT! What ship were you on?

Thanks a lot!!! I usually sail in crude oil tankers!! What about you?

I use to sail onboard tankers, cargo, didn't matter, although I worked a lot on tankers...the tankers I worked on were with ATC (Marine Columbia and Overseas Washington, and then I worked with HVIDE Marine (that was a long time ago, before they went away) about you?