Hello from Raja Ampat 10/29, Reefscapes where to they belong, they are an underwater landscape? I had the opportunity to travel to Raja Ampat in Indonesia and am doing 5 dives a day for last 3 weeks, it's amazing how healthy the coral is when you go somewhere that humans haven't had the chance to mess it up.
This was on a Andau reef in 40 ft of water on our 2nd dive of the day, I was shooting on a Nikon D850, Nikon 15mm fisheye with 2 Sea & Sea strobes to add color back into the reef, since we lose color starting with red (15ft), orange (25ft), yellow (33ft) then green (60ft) and have to use light to add the color back. Edits, LR, just a little post (color profile, lens correction for the 15mm fisheye) no real retouching, plan on removing the backscatter and doing a full retouch once I get back home.
I am really expecting to get beat up with 1's & 2's, because I haven't done a full retouch, but I wanted to get it in before the contest closed.