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Jason Lackey's picture

"...the stuff dreams are made of..." - Humphrey Bogart

Historically, twentieth century cultural revolutions have followed world wars. One could expand on the definitions of what is "cultural" or what is a "revolution" or even what is a "war" (as opposed to a "police action"), but for the sake of brevity, in the spirit of an appreciation for one another's limited time on this planet, allow me to just point to the mind expanding, free-love promoting, peace-loving bounty, no, supernova-scale tidal wave of concepts and executions of fine art in so many forms, formats, medias and mediums that it's almost impossible to describe; music, visual art, performance art, theater arts both for stage and film are some of the diverse methods of human expression that followed the global catastrophes of WW2, the Vietnam War in the 1960's and the subsequent Korean War that followed it throughout the 1970's. That's the most recent example of the kind of post-war cultural revolution that I initially asserted in my introductory sentence (see above). Although it may be a stretch to say that much of THAT post war global collective creativity was inspired and/or influenced by, reminiscent of or directly plagiarized from the historic art movements known as Dadaism, Surrealism, Cubism, Automatic Writing, The Avant Guard and many others would not be TOO much of one ( a stretch ). The profound depth, creative courage and authentic originality expressed in what, for me, was the apex of twentieth century cultural revolution followed the international atrocity we now know as WW1. For a more thorough examination of Dada and Surrealist art, Robert Motherwell is a recognized authority and has many references and publications published world wide - also, you may want to pick up and try to assimilate the various manifestos of Andre Breton. Feel free to comment, post your photos or correct me as I could be mistaken about one or two insignificant, nit-picky imprecisions that only a pedantic, anal retentive jerk would dare to challenge me with. Ha! Just kidding!! Lighten up you art nerds!

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