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Dean Wilson's picture

Inclement Weather ~ Valentine's Day 2021

Cellphone snapshots

Around our area it is basically drizzle and 40-50°F from November through December. January is mostly sunny or foggy and the temperature ranges from hovering at 37°F or Sunny and 70°F.

Now February is a different story, that's when a little snow occurs, but mostly just freezing rain and losing power, such as 2021 when we lost power for five days with no backup power and the temperatures never rose above 25°F.

Propane camp stove in the garage cooked out Valentine's Dinner of soup, and grilled cheese sandwiches in the SUV with the heater on HIGH.

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I love the first two ice photos. Good eye on both. The last two, wow. What a memory for Valentine's Day. Thanks for the fun post - even if it might not have been fun at the time.

There was nothing we could do about it, so we decided to go with the flow.

Interesting enough four months later we had a week of temperatures above 110° and actually broke the record highs three days in a row (116°, 117°, then 118°)...and did I mention we lost power as well due to multiple transformers exploding?

(Our average Summer high temperature is 81°.)

Love the second one. Great job.

Nothing like having a runny nose in Winter.

Thanks for proving once again that photography is not reserved solely for the times we choose to lug our gear with us

The 2nd brings a smile to my face - it looks like the guy could use a tissue!

3&4 are the type of shots that NEED to be taken to preserve those memories (I'm actively working on a blog entry in this regard), and will bring joy in years to come.

Being located where we are in Vermont we are lucky enough to have stable power (other than during rare ice storms etc). I can't imagine being with power in the winter for an extended period.