Again with apologies to Alan for not strictly adhering to his suggested format...
The second person I am often inspired by is Dean Wilson (
Dean is a rare example of someone willing to just play, explore, and try new things. He does not seem to fall back on some tried-and-tru formula but just goes out and follows his whim.
To say that Dean is fearless is a vast understatement. His playful joyous approach to exploration is so rare and truly inspiring.
It was actually quite hard to pick just two images of Dean’s for this post as each time I thought I had one I’d discover another one that was even more intriguing.
In the end I had to settle on three.
There are many more contributors to the group, ones that deserve a second look, so please do check out the work of everyone as it will be well worth your time.
Thanks for contributing further Julian, and don't be concerned about any format (either way works!).
There are so many images we could spotlight that represent Dean as an artist. The same could be said of many of our wonderful group members if we care to look.
As suggested (thanks for doing so Julian!) I encourage ALL members to take a look at the work of their peers, and ensure they receive some appreciation from the group.
It's almost like the Spanish Inquisition.
"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Thank you so very much for your kind words. I get greatly inspired by viewing other photographers and my brain starts thinking..."what if..." Sometimes they work out while others are a learning experience.
Another good one, Julian!