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Andrew Williams's picture

From the Window

re: Dean's March challenge

Coincidentally, I've been working through some old stuff that seems relevant. Back in 1972 I shared a third floor apartment in Meadville, PA with my soon-to-be first wife (about whom the less said the better) and would occasionally sit in the window well with the longest telephoto I had available (200mm.) I've only found three that were shot with something else (35mm?) My photography seminar compadres did not think these important enough to discuss so I didn't do as much as I would have liked.

#1 shows the intersection catercorner from the apartment. Most of the source images are placed correctly, but I'm not certain about the pickup truck and the two at the upper right.

#2 was the gas station on the corner of the same intersection to the left of #1. I doubt this was the same night as it is no longer snowing. The cars at the top should be farther up the street.

#3/4 These are from an image set that is shown in the lower right of #2. Same corner, different day. My photography professor could not believe that I found it unusual that the ten(ish) year old girl was smoking. He said I must have led a very sheltered chilhood, which was certainly true for me (and every other student in his class.)

#5 The source images for this one may have been shot the same day as #3/4. This is the same corner as in #1 but in much nicer weather.

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Hello Mr. Williams.

Definitely period pieces: the attire, the vehicles...(Mustang beauty '65 - '68 model?), the fuel prices and of course S&H Green Stamps.

Great job!

I think it so important that we capture images of everyday life. What seems unimportant (at least perhaps to others) today forms records of history for those that follow.

I really enjoy images that display the past and am always intrigued at how thing have progressed.

I enjoy that you have created frames that spotlight key areas of interest within the larger picture, supported by the repetitions that fall outside of these areas.

Thanks for posting Andrew!