Though I often use a window or door as a compositional tool to help tell the story of an image it's rare that I feature the portal as the subject of the story.
So with apologies in advance to Dean for not quite following to the letter the guidelines (again!) of this month's challenge here are some images that use a window or door as narrative tool.
BTW Dean, great theme!
What guidelines? if eyes are the window to the soul, then a photo of an eye qualifies as this group is "Minimalist, Abstract, Experimental" with the emphasis on Creativity as well as Interpretation.
You have some great photos there Mr. Ray.
While all are wonderful photos and have great composition, I must say, for me, your second photograph tells a powerful story in and of itself.
I will have to study and interpret these again.
Thank you for posting.
Julian Ray ,
Very good images for their stories. Cheers.
Ha, you should know by now Julian that the guidelines for the group are always blurred and we love a bit of creative interpretation.
Such a lovely set of images, you excel in providing a window to the soul of your subjects. The 2nd frames such a powerful story.