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Da Beat's picture

#3: What are these sensuous curves a part of?

Ha, finally a reason to be making a first post here. The shape does hint at the larger whole...

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Oh, I know it, but don't want to spoil it for others. I'm really missing spoiler tags...

I'm going with bicycle seat. ;)

Hmm. The background hints at a parking lot. Some kind of car or motorcycle?

It's leather and, I agree with Philip about the parking lot so I am going with a motorcycle seat. Great curves!

It was indeed a bicycle saddle. Being from the EU might give an advantage in that respect, but the kudos' go to Gion-Andri.

Thank you. In fact you're right. I think it was easy for me, because I'm European. Also when I saw You're from the Netherlands, it was pretty easy. ;) When I'm thinking of the Netherlands it's tulips, wooden shoes, windmills and bicycles... okay weed as well... lol

I have to say this is exactly the kind of image I was hoping for in this group. :)