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david huguet's picture

art with art?

Trying to create and artistic viex from an art construction. This sculpture does exist in Le Havre (north of France). Then I played with sun light at sunrise while sunrays hit thhe front of the scultpure. I played too with horizontal an vertical lines (sculpture, sea horizon and beach). However, the lines created by shadows are a sort of voluntary disturbance in this composition. And I wanted too a nice colored balance in between the blue from the sea, the white of the sculpture and the sky half-cloudy white half-blue.

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I particularly like the way you have used such a subdued colour palette, distilling the image even further. Well composed. Good work, David.

Great image. I like how you composed the sky, ocean, beach in this. And I agree with Chris, could choice with the color.

This is very well composed and executed. Square format - not my favorite but perfect here. Color balance is spectacular. Textures, lines,... it hits on all cylinders!


I love this

So Cool! Think the shadows add to the photo. Also agree, the color pallet is really pleasing.

Finaly, I'm not that happy with shadows. But impossible to remove them. I have not Photoshop software...

You don't like them? I agree with Reed that the shadows are nice. They lend a bit if reality to what could look like a cgi. I do like this image a lot!