I am a botanist so I am always looking at leaves. Hostas have great leaves - big blades, curves, lines,... Here is a pair images of these plants. I posted a black and white version on the Black and White group a while back and the people who commented said color is better.
What do you think?
I much prefer the B&W version. More less documentary than the colored version. Moreover, I would erase the water drop to enhance mystery an curiosity.
Funny you should say that about the drop. I am not a fan of water droplets in photos. This is an example of being so focused on one aspect of a subject (for me it was the lines) that I never noticed the drop until later.
Thanks for the feedback!
the water droplet is the first object that caught my eyes because of the disturbance induced into the lines.
I am a big fan of Hostas also - both plant and images. You are correct about the leaves. I'll try to post one of my own to keep the theme alive.
In general I feel this images like this do great in B&W but In this case I do prefer the color version. This may be due to the increased shadow detail and balance between light and dark areas.
That said, I AM enjoying the strong diagonals created by the leaf edges in the B&W image.
I feel in both images the water droplets create more of a distraction than enhance the image.
update - here's one I enjoy - I can't wait for Spring and for things to green up.....
Oooo! This is great! They are so photogenic. I love the top view with the twists. We need to have a hosta throw down!