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joseph cole's picture

not sure if this fits

not sure if this fits in this category but i would like to try this whole minimalist thing

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Hi Joe! We'll see what the group thinks. I have a feeling this is going to be what Chris has dubbed 'mediumalism'. :)

I like the shot and do believe it has a simplicity that is very appealing. I do think it is a little dark but the flip side is that it is moody.

I am glad you are here and there is no harm trying things to see if they work as minimalism or abstract!

lol leave it to Chris to make up new words hahaha

Like the image, Joseph. Who cares if fits or not? OK, maybe the moderator. I'd say it's mediuminimalist. Might start a new group...

I was waiting for you to join, and thought on reflection that your images tend to be rich with detail, and hence not obviously minimalist. This particularly interesting-looking lighthouse is actually "busier" than most, drawing attention by this fact, with the windows breaking up the outline. I like your composition, while the dark (again a bit of a signature of yours) makes it for me, through creating a perhaps unexpected mood.

Thanks Chris I’ve been having issues with the darkness not sure if I have my monitor set too bright or what’s going on. what level brightness do you have yours set to?

Can't answer that very meaningfully, Joseph - sorry. I'm using a decade-old BenQ FP241WZ monitor optimised for gaming, apparently, and therefore too bright for this work.

I've set brightness to 40 out of 100, and hope Spyder Elite does the rest. My image files DO look similar on my top-spec Windows laptop, left at default settings, then Spyder-calibrated. I think they're close, as prints look right with an extra half to one subjective stop in exposure over the optimum for screen viewing.

On the 24", this image has dark shadows but detail is preserved, not blocked-up, so it looks as if it's meant to be like that.

Sounds good like I said that’s my typical worry that everybody is not viewing my images as I see them which can be frustrating because obviously if they’re too dark they’re going to look horrible and if they’re too bright well they just won’t look right either thanks for the input as always