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Radisa Zivkovic's picture


Famous plane wreck in Iceland.
I tried different approach to the composition on this LE shot. Feel free to comment!

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Thanks Joe!

Seriously! This is awesome!

Many thanks Ruth!

very cool shot. I would love to see the rest of the plane (well I mean whatever is remaining of it).

Thanks a lot for input David!
Main point of this photo is to be provocative in a some sense, to provoke intrigue and at the end to convey the dynamics of entering in the the frame (in cooperation with the cloud movement). Also there are to many images with the whole wreck on internet.
I tried to be different, but probably not the only one who did something similar :)

Don't get me wrong, I love it the way it is. I'm more just curious to see the rest of it.

It would have been difficult for me to crop out the tail, so I appreciate that you resisted that in order to get the feeling you wanted out of this photo. You certainly accomplished what you set out to do.

I understand you completely and your reaction is a great indication that I succeeded in my intention.

I like the composition, Radisa, and the whole, bleak effect. It's as if the battered aeroplane is looking forlornly at where it was trying to go. Heroic failure. Looking more closely, in keeping with the theme of simplicity, you have the plane's metal, the rocks, the clouds, and distant mountains - just four elements; each can be studied and enjoyed, in a landscape that still feels visually rich to me. Good one!

"Heroic failure" LOL. You are imaginatively descriptive as always.
Huge thanks Chris!

That was NOT meant to apply to your photo, BTW, Radisa, in case there's any doubt! ;-)

Don't worry Chris :)
I know you were thinking of a plane.