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Amos Roy's picture

Cool breeze

I just wanted to share my first one. I like this minimalist style. This is actually me and my son in this photo, someone else pressed the button, but it was my camera and I cropped and stuff so ya know... any thoughts or pointers welcome.

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"I didn't actually ride the winning horse, but I fed him, so ... ya know." ;)

You could crop more than half of the sky and I think the composition would improve. But I would suggest next time you get the camera lower. Really low. Like knee high. The get closer and use a wide angle lens to capture your subject large in the frame with the expanse of the sea and sky behind. Having most of the subject positioned above the horizon will make them appear more heroic and important. In this composition, the people are really insignificant.

EDIT: I added an example of the composition I'm suggesting.

Welcome Amos! Thank you for submitting to the group. I like where you are going with this. The exposure is perfect and I love that you didn't juice the colors. I agree with Phillip and the angle of the shot. It would take the this from a snap shot to another level. If taken from a lower perspective, you (as the subject) would have broken the plain of the horizon and this would have added depth and drama. Good work!

I think the composition's pretty good, Amos, and I agree with Ruth about the colours. The drawback with my esteemed colleagues' suggestions is losing the reflection. I'd consider an image with MORE sky as well, "minimalising" you & your son further; you'd certainly still stand out because of the contrast in shape and tone.

Very interesting ..... ;)

Thanks all. I wouldn't want to lose the reflection in this one. I do like the idea of more sky though. I wish I could get just the pink to come out more. I don't know how to do that.

Here’s one I shot at that same location