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Jeremy Martignago's picture


forks stacked on top of each other creating a cool layered look

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Nice image, I like how the light increases further up the stack, although I wish there was a bit more light in between. Also, not to nitpick too much, try to clean up the image (dust, lint, etc) in post if you have the time on images like this.

Nice one ~

Again, nice work breaking away from the pack. I'm not sure if I agree with Joe regarding the lighting or not. I like the brighter top layer grading down to the lower but also see his point. I do agree with him about the dust. It happens! Overall very sophisticated work.

Another cool image, Jeremy! I can imagine lots of collapses and cursing before it was all set up. I attach an edit altering according to Joe's suggestion. I imagine that it's just too hard to control the light so precisely, and I'd have no hesitation in local adjustment to get the desired effect. I'm still not sure if evening the light-to-dark transition really helps the image ultimately.

I like the original better. I really like the light layering along with the actual layers of the forks. I might have even gone the other way

Yes, I think this is a good direction to take! Another go: just enough light at the bottom to catch the shadow of the tines on the support.



I think the lighting is fine the way it is. The visual is stunning but agree with Joe The only thing I would have changed is to try and get rid of the dust. Worst part about dust is that you don't see it until after the picture is taken.