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david huguet's picture

an other alpine waterfall.

I wanted to conserv ans enlight the motion of the water and generate a soften effect.

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Interesting and different waterfall image, David. For once the branches overlapping the waterfall add to the image, rather than distracting. The sombre, soft effect is eye-catching and unusual.

You're right Chris! My aim consisted in enhancing the soft delicate motion of water from upstream to donwstream. Two main lignes: the ones of the waterfall are vertical whereas the lines of the River are in diagonale.

Excellent work David. There is something very interesting about the top edge of the waterfall. I love the it isn't smooth. The jagged edge brings a lot of interest and avoids having the creaminess of the water be boring.

I wonder about the bright rock front and center in the river below. My eye travels down the falls and then goes straight to this rock. I think it is due to the detail on the rock being clear and crisper than anything else around it. I get the impression that you do less post processing than most (probably because you are so talented!). I think it might be worth toning this rock down a bit though.

Hello Ruth,
Well, i kept this limestone rock clear and bright as it appears. I thought it could help eyes of viewers from upstream to donwstream.
I can try to reduce the white tonality to see how it may appear.

Don't do it just on my account. the image is lovely. And you are the artist! :)

I agree with Ruth, David. It is a little arresting, being central, and so full of fine contrast-laden detail. It tends to impede the motion of my eye around the image. If it were larger, or had a distinctive form, and was preferably located off-centre, it could serve as a counterpoint or secondary subject. As it is, I find it more like an ambiguous distraction.

Being very picky here! A fine image.