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Jack Rosenberg's picture

"Gingko Fan"

A detailed autumn gingko leaf.

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Hi Jack,

Here are some thoughts about this nice image and about the black background style.

So, on the plus side, the colors and texture on the leaf are great. I like that you chose to do a dead leaf. And, I like the simple, on black style.

As suggestions for the future, and this is totally my personal opinion, when you do an 'on black' such as this, it is really important for the subject to have some depth, '3D' interest or something that breathes life into it. For me, this image is very flat.

I would love to see more of this style as I love the black background style of isolating a subject.


I respectfully disagree. The black background highlights the leaf very nicely and to only put certain items on it is a huge mistake. I agree the image is dimensionally flat, but it is meant to be ... it's a thin, dead leaf. Not a lot of depth in these things.
I will be posting more images with a black background, so stay tuned! :)

Excellent! Looking forward to it.