In Deauville, I saw this construction, I think to be well balanced. This is both abstract and minimalist.
Here is the link to see what it deals about (look north in Google Street and you'll see the upper section of this construction)):,0.0667049,3a,75y,152.69h,89.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR00C8I1ozT8abjm3uUGp1w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
A certain proportion of your colour images have this fairly high-key unsaturated appearance, David. It's definitely one of your styles. You tend to opt for subtlety rather than impact with colour, which I generally prefer myself. Somehow, though, for my tastes this style looks a bit flat rather than understated. I like your composition.
It would make a good monochrome in a traditional higher-contrast style as well, with its strong graphics. I wouldn't be surprised if you've done one yourself.
thanks a lot Chris! In fact, the Normandy is famous for the colors. That's why impressionists painters traveled and lived in Normandy. The colors you see in my photography are real. The photography was taken in winter, in the morning while it was cloudy. That kind of forecast in the morning induce these colors looking looking like pastel paintings.