This afternoon I finally yielded to my wife's suggestion that I at least inspect what is shown here and see if there was any salvaging the assembly or should we replace it? Yes, it can be salvaged, although much of what you see needs to removed (did that) and be replaced (parts ordered.) Do you want to guess what it is? Most everyone I know has one.
Funny, the thumbnail showed a couple of moths on some dead leaves ;). Closer up, nice shot of a cool rust pattern (although maybe it'd be more dynamic with the primary element a little less centered?)
Not quite the right shape for a water heater support or automotive muffler... Wait, you're in Pennsylvania, and they salt the roads a lot in the winter in Pennsylvania: this is an automotive seat slider track. (Or else I'm wrong.)
Rust pattern is correct. It's nothing automotive, but it is outdoors.
BBQ? They rust like mad.
Bingo. I should have new heat shields by Friday in time for the weekend.