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Ruth Carll's picture

Oil and Water Do Mix ... As Subjects In Cool Photos!

Just pouring oil in water for fun on a rainy day!

Jeremy - See my note in your oil post.

feedback always welcome!

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Hey, Ruth, These look good I wanted to try that out too.
maby an idea is to put fairy lights behind the fish tank (or whatever you use), it might make some interesting colours for the back ground.

like I said in my post

I lit these from bellow with fairy lights.
I followed this video.

Basically, I put water and oil in a pyrex container then popped it up on two logs then I put the lights underneath and household paper on top of the lights to diffuse them.

I am reminded of the "Joshua Light Show" from the late '60s, who put colored oil and water in a bowl on top to an overhead projector (what we used for Powerpoint before there was Powerpoint or digital projectors,) and jiggled it around to make cool lighting effects. You kids can see something imitating this in the Austin Powers movies.