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Gion-Andri Derungs's picture

Smoke Signs

I'm happy that I stumbled upon this group. Great stuff here!

Last year I was experimenting with smoke. The pictures are shot with one flash, with a snoot. I colored the smoke. The last picture is just inverted.

Edit: Added a White & Black variant

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These are beautiful! I love the stuff we get in this group because, in my opinion, it is true art when you make an image come from a vision in your mind and bring it into reality. These are a perfect example of this. It is also why i like when people post things that they are working on even if they aren't perfect yet. (Just in general - these images are great!)

I love the color you added to these. The clarity is fantastic. You also were able to keep a compositional element which many struggle with in abstract work.

Really nice work! Looking forward to more from you. Glad you found us!

Thank you Ruth. Sometimes you really have to experiment. If something not tack sharp, you still can make something out of it. Just be creative. ;) I really like what I'm seeing in this group and I will dive deeper into it tonight. I also have creative "project" on hold since almost 2 years. I think I can "reactivate" it and show the results here.

These smoke picture are really easy to make. All you need are incense sticks of your liking, a external flash that you can trigger remotely and a snoot. My snoot was a Pringles can. So it don't have to be some expensive stuff. You only need it to not spill light over the place.

The setup is pretty easy. Put the flash with snoot on the left or right side of the camera (same distance as the sticks). It should point slightly down. A black background helps, but is not really needed. Camera settings: ISO 100-200, small f-number to block out ambient light, shutter speed at flash sync speed, flash manual starting with 1/16 power. That's actually all... oh do it in a room you can vent after it... ;)

It's really satisfying to watch these random, swirly structures of the smoke. I added the composing element to the pictures by cropping. You cannot control the smoke. ;)

I am definitely going to try this. Thank you so much for sharing the process. Stay tuned!

This set is pretty damn cool and I love the colors here

Thank you very much, but even in B&W or better W&B, it looks great. I have to search for the W&B picture... ;)

I spaced on mentioning the B&W!!!! Oh man!!! Fiyah!

Thank you. It's just a quick edit. I had to do the edit again... I found out that I lost the settings by migrating from LR to Capture One. But is one of my favorites. ;)

I like the BW one best. Simplicity in form and implied motion.

What does Capture One do better than Lightroom?

Thank you Arthur. C1 does in fact the same as LR. Some things better, some not. For me it was the performance.

I really want them to come up with a mobile app because I edit on the iPad Pro solely

Really great outcome on the inverted images. Love the color on that as well. The first and the last would potentially work straightened on an elongated canvas? I'd certainly consider hanging that on a wall from ceiling to floor.

Thank you very much. Would be worth a try to straighten them.

awesome shots Gion

Thank you very much.